"There's a myth that anyone who has a liver problem has brought it on themselves" This quote is from a Crohn's disease patient living with a blocked portal vein hoping for a liver transplant (Independent 31st Oct 2010)

Sunday 3 October 2010

Friday Saturday Sunday

Quite a few visitors over the last few days. All much appreciated. (An anonymous visitor left 2 books in a Tesco bag hanging on the door handle - 'Brick Lane', and '80 years of the Guardian crossword'. If it's you, let me know via email so I know where to eventually return). Very tired afterwards, at least I only have to topple sideways to go to 'bed' as I'm still on the sofa. Watched 2 episodes of Cranford "where gossip is a national treasure" on DVD - perfect for some gently amusing viewing (I can't risk side splitting laughter) ....thanks Ruth.

Made it up the stairs for a bath. Well a variation of, i.e. me sitting on an unpturned plastic box in our bath and T pouring lovely hot soapy water over me. Changed the dressings - everything looks healthy.

T has been working hard as cook, cleaner and care assistant, so this evening
we're going to have a takeaway curry and watch an episode of House MD.

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