"There's a myth that anyone who has a liver problem has brought it on themselves" This quote is from a Crohn's disease patient living with a blocked portal vein hoping for a liver transplant (Independent 31st Oct 2010)

Friday, 29 July 2011

July bloods - results today

Picked up the blood test results. An improvement again on June - hurrah. The ones that show inflammation have gone down again: less inflammation. The ones that show how my liver is functioning are balancing out even better within the normal range. Whatever I'm doing in the way of diet, excercise, health supplements, work/life balance seems to be working at the moment.

T and I came home on Wednesday after a lovely few days away. J on his way back from camping, sunburnt and hungry and no doubt with a rucksack full of smelly clothes!


  1. Glad you had a great getaway. Even more glad your numbers are so good! Nice job, Fiona.

    Hugs all around ((0))

  2. Brilliant news on the results Fiona :-))

    Also glad you got away somewhere for a few days peace and rest. Maybe we'll see some pics on here?

    As for smelly clothes and teenagers - that's the BEST time to show them how that washing machine works - lol

    Hugs and once again, it's great news
