"There's a myth that anyone who has a liver problem has brought it on themselves" This quote is from a Crohn's disease patient living with a blocked portal vein hoping for a liver transplant (Independent 31st Oct 2010)

Thursday, 21 June 2012

New place for support and information

For those who use Facebook there is a new site called Hepatocellular Carcinoma Companions at  http://www.facebook.com/groups/myhcc/358424547543935/

Primarily for those with HCC or those caring for someone with HCC, the founders of this site are also members of another group on Facebook for Fibrolamellar liver cancer.

The group hopes to develop a community for HCC fighters/survivors.  The more we engage with each other the greater the impact the group can have.


  1. Fiona,
    That is exciting news. Having contact with people like Carole, Tony, and others like you made such a big difference for Steve and I while he was battling rectal cancer. They helped us through some tough times and even better we made some new dear friends. Good luck with your new website: )
    PS Has it finally warmed up for you now? : )

  2. Hi Carla. No the weather is horrible for June! And the UK has the Olympics coming up - let's hope it gets better for all the outdoor events.
    The Facebook page has been primarily set up by my HCC 'buddy' Hannah, who at 28 and with no liver disease is an unusual liver cancer case. But as usual, I'm enjoying contributing. It only has a handful of members at the moment, Hannah and her friend Tal from the US, me, and then another from the US, one from France, one from Canada. All with different stories, truly international!

    1. Fiona,
      One of my favorite things about the internet is how it is able to connect people from all over the world. I'm so grateful to have gotten to know so many amazing people, including you!
      I'll try and send some of our summer weather your way. We could certainly use some of yours. We skipped the spring showers almost entirely this year. I'm going to stop planting new seeds and just focus on the ones I've already planted and of course the weeds. It is so unfair that the weeds seem to do well regardless of the amount of moisture that is available to them.
